Find Part 2 here.

As developer I always look for ways to automate and/or shortcut my day to day tasks, Today I would love to share with you my favorite command line tool and show you how you can benefit from it’s features.

Get Cmder

First things first, this is for windows users and here is the link to download cmder, scroll down to download section.

Personnaly I take the Full version (Both of them are Portable versions).

Then you can head to the shortcut section (very useful)

Personnaly I extract cmder inside C:/cmder directory then I add the cmder path like this :

1- Open the 'Advanced system settings'

2- Got to 'Environment Variables'

3- Select 'Path' then click on 'Edit...'

4- Click 'New' and add the cmder path

After that ,you can type the cmder on the directory path field

and this will open cmder pointing to that directory

Wouff, finally lets get down to business

Visual Part

Note : Before we start, you need to know that cmder supports linux commands such as touch file, nano file .. etc, which is amazing already 🥳.

I always hated 😣 to write commands on the same line on the default command tool windows, which is not the case with cmder.


Tabs, Tabs, Tabs

Cmder allows to create tabs which is very useful when you are running multiple stuff like angular, node, laravel artisan, …etc and this prevents from being overwhelmed with lot of opened command windows — One window, Multiple tabs 😎

Another thing about tabs is that (I love this 🤭) you can split into two (or more) sections

To make this happen you (images below)

  1. Got to tasks section
  2. Click the + button to add new task
  3. Give it a name
  4. Add this code to the snippet section : -cur_console:s50H:d: -cur_console:C:\cmder\icons\cmder.ico cmd /k ""%ConEmuDir%..\init.bat" "
  5. Add a Hotkey if you like


Let’s say you type a command and you get an output and (may be you’re overwhelmed 😱 by how large 😵 the output is), and you want to search for a text, you can use (image below)

And just like bash, you can search for previous typed commands via this shortcut ‘Ctrl + R’, (1) is what I’m typing and (2) is what matches my search

Find Part 2 here.